Yuri’s Night Signs Affiliation Agreement with Science Cheerleader, SciStarter on ISS-Bound Research Project

Los Angeles, CA, March 14, 2013 –(PR.com)– Yuri’s Night has officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Science Cheerleader and SciStarter on Project MERCCURI, a microbial research project that will fly to the International Space Station this fall.

Project MERCCURI, an investigation anchored by the University of California Davis, examines how microbes in buildings on Earth compare to those found on the International Space Station. Students and citizen scientists are encouraged to collect microbial samples from public venues such as stadiums or schools and from cell phones and other mobile communication devices; these samples will be sequenced and analyzed at the University of California Davis, and compared to samples form the ISS. In addition, some samples will be selected to fly to the ISS this September to compete in a “microbial playoffs” growth competition on the Station itself. Project MERCCURI (Microbial Ecology Research Combining Citizen and University Researchers on ISS) officially begins on April 11, 2013.

“We’re thrilled to be working with Science Cheerleader, SciStarter, and UC Davis on this exciting research project,” said Yuri’s Night Assistant Director Brice Russ. “Yuri’s Night is deeply committed to getting the public involved in space and scientific research, and we’re looking forward to working with these groups on science outreach now and in the future.”

As part of the MOU, Yuri’s Night, Science Cheerleader, and SciStarter will also be engaging in cross-promotional efforts. Science Cheerleaders will be available to participate and conduct outreach events at local Yuri’s Night parties. As of April 12, 2013, over 90 events have officially registered for YN13 in 13 countries.

The Science Cheerleaders are professional cheerleaders pursuing science careers who playfully challenge stereotypes, turn everyone onto science by encouraging participation in citizen science activities, and inspire young women (including 3-4 million U.S. cheerleaders) to consider careers in science, technology, engineering and math.

Further links:
Yuri’s Night – http://yurisnight.net/about
Science Cheerleader – http://www.sciencecheerleader.com/
Project MERCCURI – http://www.scistarter.com/ISS


Yuri’s Night
Brice Russ

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